Anstey Hall wedding photos - Lee and Rona


I’m delighted to say my friend Rona's wedding to her hunk of love Lee was one of my most raucous yet (our friend's rock!). Here’s the low down…

Why Anstey Hall is great for wedding photos

Anstey Hall is a stunning 17th century hotel based in Grantchester, Cambridgeshire. The rooms are sumptuous with very opulent looking 4 poster beds, antique furniture and beautiful artwork.

The ceremony room is elegant and well lit by windows all down one side. The walls are a nice neutral colour so you won’t get any nasty skin tones on your wedding photos during the ceremony.

After the ceremony we were allowed to do a confetti shot INDOORS down the winding staircase. We positioned some guests above and some down one side of the stairs so that the bride and groom walked through a curtain of confetti.

The roof terrace on the the third floor isn’t just a great place for a quiet drink, it gives photographers an excellent vantage point for photographing all the wedding guests at once.

The sunny south facing garden is huge and wisteria festoons most of the rear of Anstey Hall. Just beware that if the sun is glaring then people would be squinting as they look into the sun if you lined them up against the wisteria.

The front of Anstey Hall has lots of steps leading up to the front door, which is great for group photos and since it’s north facing it’s always in shade. The only challenge is that if everyone is in the back garden you’d have to keep moving each group from the back garden to the front door. 

The important thing is there are so many options for wedding photos at Anstey Hall - inside and outside.

How Lee and Rona pimped up their Anstey Hall wedding

AC/DC blasted out during the ceremony while the pageboys held little placards like ‘Too late to escape’ and ‘Get ready to rumble’! Later on those same page boys were beating each other senseless with child sized chess pieces.

Oh and those same pageboys were also hanging around the vodka luge quite a bit too!

Rona’s Scottish heritage meant a Ceilidh was essential and everyone gave it everything they had - and still had energy left for the kicking tunes my DJ buddy Ian cranked out. A wifi glitch meant we had 10 minutes without music but one of the Welsh guests (who was wearing lederhosen for some reason) belted out some singalongs until we were back online.

And in amongst it all I had to figure out how to get into some of the photos since I was a guest as well as the photographer. I made do with this half arsed attempt of doing a selfie with 140 guests in the background…

…All that remains now is for me to go visit Rona and Lee in Dubai for their Rock the Frock session. Can’t wait!

Until then, here are a few of my favourite photographs from the wedding…

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