David and Lucy's wedding at Stoke Rochford Hall
Having your wedding at Stoke Rochford Hall is like getting married in Downton Abbey. As you drive up the hill, flanked by lakes and a little water fall you periodically see Stoke Rochford Hall through the trees. Then, at the top of the hill you turn a corner and there it is below you - a sumptuously elegant wedding venue.
David and Lucy got married in the Orangery, which is a stunning, light and airy conservatory that can accommodate 150 guests.
I'd created their family photographs a few months before the wedding so I displayed one of them on an easel so that guests could sign the over-sized mount that surrounded the portrait.
Lucy and I had scouted Stoke Rochford Hall together a few weeks before the wedding so we could create a plan of what photographs we were going to do where. We also had a backup plan of using the huge spiral staircase in case it rained. Our plans ensured everything ran quickly and smoothly on the big day so they could crack on with enjoying themselves.
The weather behaved and Liam at Stoke Rochford had his team as well-drilled as a Sergeant Major (A very warm, kind and friendly one I might add!).
Lucy looked phenomenal in her bridal gown from 'It's Bliss in Doncaster' and serenely sashayed through the day as calm and relaxed as always. Similarly David was focused on ensuring everyone enjoyed themselves and he'd even arranged a grand firework display which I was rather giddy about getting to photograph.
The heartfelt speech by their young daughter Georgia had everyone's eyes tearing up - including Georgia's. In fact David's mum had to finish the speech for her because the emotion was too great. However Lucy's friend also had tears rolling down her cheeks as she spoke Georgia's loving words. I thought I might need to read it at one point, but I probably would have been a puddle too!
Here's a tiny selection of their wedding photographs. In total there were over 250 and they were all included in their 70 page album so they didn't need to leave out any special memories.