Autumn family photoshoot Stamford

The Whitfield-Gray family on their Autumn family photoshoot near Stamford

I took the Whitfield family to the best possible wood for an Autumn family photoshoot near Stamford. Not only that, I took them on the best possible week too.

Do you know the best week in the whole year for Autumn leaves in Cambridgeshire? It’s the middle of November. At least it is for Beech trees and they’re some of the best leaves for an Autumn family photoshoot because they’re big and orange and lie thick on the ground like a carpet. The reason mid November is best for Beech woods is because the leaves are at their most orange. Not only that, but plenty of leaves have fallen to the ground which helps give that thick orange carpet and also ensures some light comes through the canopy so it’s not too gloomy.

This wood is Called Bedford Purlieus wood and it’s near Wansford (not near Bedford!).

Bedford Purlieus also has some conifers and some silver birch which is why you can see a nice selection of locations all in one wood.

I’ve photographed the Whitfield family 5 times, including their wedding. It’s always so lovely to document a family as it grows year after year. And as the family grows so do the children. They’re never ever the same again, so photographs are the best way of holding on to those memories. The photographs become more precious with time as the memories fade. And having printed photographs on display in your home is a physical, daily reminder to your children that they’re loved and that you’re proud of them.

One of the many things that was great about this session was seeing the connection between big sister Sophie and her little brother, Ollie. And just look at Ollie’s little facial expressions!

To find out more about booking your own shoot pop over to my family photography page or download my brochure below . Whoever books first gets the best dates so it’s always good to book ahead to reserve your spot.